United Methodist Men


We have active United Women in Faith (UWF) and United Methodist Men (UMM) units that welcome your participation. Both meet monthly and are involved in activities throughout the month and support local charities.

The UMM and UWF also coordinate and support each other. Both are wonderful small group opportunities to build meaningful relationships in Christian love and commitment. 

The UMM Mission is to Help Men Grow in Christ, So Others May Know Christ.


They focus their efforts locally and also through Affiliate Partners:
National Association of Conference Presidents of UM Men
The Society of St. Andrew (SoSA)
Strength for Service, Inc.
United Methodist Men Foundation

At Prospect, the UMM meets the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM - EVERY OTHER MONTH BEGINNING SEP 2024 -  to enjoy fellowship and food and to discuss ways to help the church, the members, and our community.  The men also enjoy special speakers on occasion. For fundraising during the year to help support their missions, the UMM hosts a Pancake Breakfast and a Potato Bar Luncheon with Silent Auction. 

The missions supported by Prospect UMM are: Central Rescue Squad, Ebony Volunteer Fire Department, Gasburg Volunteer Fire Department, Lake Gaston Volunteer Fire Department, Hunters for the Hungry, Old Brunswick Circuit, Ray of Hope Food Pantry, Helpful Hands and Hearts, 911 Community Task Force, Ladies of the Lake Cancer Support, Fisher House, and the Society of Saint Andrew ("Nickel Jar"). 

The men also lend a helping hand to anyone who needs help with light chores around the home, provide rides to appointments and consider any requests made of them.  They also help with many projects around the church. 

Learn more about the United Methodist Men: https://vaumc.org/umm/