Memorial Gifts

Memorials are a lasting and loving way to pay special tribute to a deceased loved one, someone who is still alive, the family, and the church -- in support of the UMC mission and God.

Three Channels for Memorials

Memorial donations typically come through three channels:

  • In lieu of flowers designated in the obituary of the deceased
  • Monetary donation directly to the church in conjunction with the death or other special occasion associated with the deceased
  • Monetary donation directly to the church to honor someone who is still alive.


  1. Make check payable to PUMC; on the check’s memo line write ‘Memorial Fund’.
  2. Along with the check, please provide the name of the deceased (honoree) and who you want to be notified of the memorial gift; include that person’s mailing address. If you have a specific idea for the use of the donation, please specify in a note with the check and also note on the memo line.
  3. In order for you (the donor) to receive an acknowledgment from Prospect, please provide your mailing address.
  4. Place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church. On the outside of the envelope please marked "Memorial".

If you have additional questions or need further assistance, contact Linda Biggs.

How the Financial Contributions are Used

These monetary donations are kept and accounted for in a separate memorial fund. The use of these donations will be decided exclusively by the church if not specified by the donor.

If the donor wishes to designate specific use of the financial donation, it is best to have a conversation with the church for input on the needs of the church.